Lucy Nichols and Shabbir Lakha report on Saturday's counter demonstration against the far right, and point to some of the ...
Folie à Deux is much more interesting and probably deliberate an exercise in meddling with genres and audience expectations ...
Moldova’s referendum has underlined how far the West’s influence over Eastern Europe is weakening as the Ukraine war drags on ...
Everyone is debating key issues at the moment. These include how to explain the West’s continued support for Israel; the role ...
We need a large counterprotest against Tommy Robinson’s fascist mobilisation on Saturday, and the Palestine movement is key ...
Western governments are using elastic and dangerous laws to target Palestine solidarity organisations and individuals, but we ...
Hospital workers faced with outsourcing are fighting back and taking to the streets, reports Louis Bailey Around 200 cheerful ...
The institutional racism of the police repeatedly goes unchecked, but united mass protest is the strongest weapon against the ...
Lindsey German on the reality of business-facing Labour and the persistence of imperialism It is obvious what most people ...
Capitalism prioritises profit at the expense of social benefit, but workers in the arms industry in the 1970s showed there is ...
Labour’s Next steps to make work pay is driven more by the need to make workers more productive than to increase their power, ...
Paul Symonds, an ex-miner, finds much of value in the new documentary on the 1980s Miners’ strike, even though it lets the ...