On African tour, Metropolitan Constantin of Zaraïsk a representative of Moscow's Orthodox Patriarch Kirill visited a Beninese ...
The provincial superior of the Salesians of Don Bosco in Congo was unlawfully arrested in Kinshasa, prompting protests from the Catholic Church and leading the Ministry of Justice to issue a reprimand ...
The provincial superior of the Salesians of Don Bosco in Congo was unlawfully arrested in Kinshasa, prompting protests from ...
Lauréate en 2023 de l’initiative Marianne, qui accompagne des défenseurs des droits de l’homme, Estelle Ewoule Lobé lutte dans les forêts camerounaises pour protéger les peuples autochtones. Elle-même ...
Selon les dernières projections des résultats des législatives diffusées lundi 28octobre, le Parti libéral démocrate (PLD) au pouvoir a perdu sa majorité au parlement. Le premier ministre Shigeru Ishi ...
With the lowest fertility rate in Europe, Malta has seen a sharp decline in the desire for children over recent decades, a ...
After a month of discussions, the second assembly of the Synod of Bishops on synodality concluded its work October 26 in Rome ...
Après Lumen fidei (2013), Laudato si’ (2015) et Fratelli tutti (2020), le pape François publie sa 4e encyclique, Dilexit nos, ...
Indonesian academic Sapri Sale defied geopolitical tensions to write the first Hebrew-Bahasa Indonesia dictionary in 2015.
The second phase of the Synod of Bishops on synodality concluded October 27 with Mass at St. Peter's Basilica. In his homily, ...
Though initially assigned to an external working group, the issue of the female diaconate resurfaced multiple times during ...
Father Marcelo Perez was shot and killed October 20, in the southern Mexican city of San Cristobal de Las Casas, shortly after celebrating Sunday Mass, according to the prosecutors in the state of ...