27日に迫った衆議院選挙で多くの政党が訴える最低賃金1500円への引き上げについて、企業の間に戸惑いが広がっている。これまで物価上昇を上回る賃上げを目指す政府に産業界は足並みを揃えてきたが、2020年代の実現を目指す自民党を含め具体策を示す党はなく、 ...
最先端ハイテク技術を巡る米国と中国の対立は、11月5日の米大統領選で共和党候補のトランプ前大統領と民主党候補のハリス副大統領のどちらが勝利しても激化するのがほぼ確実と見られる。ただ、大統領に就いた場合にハリス氏が標的を絞った新たな規制を打ち出すと予想 ...
In the United States, when only two candidates are on a ballot, the results are normally quite clear — the winner has a ...
NEW DELHI, Oct 24 (Reuters) - Signs of thawing ties a day after the leaders of India and China met are unlikely to deter New ...
KYIV, Oct 24 (Reuters) - Liudmyla Bordus lost her son Maksym to the war with Russia, but he is never far away - his likeness ...
LONDON, Oct 24 (Reuters) - The latest vaccine bonds have raised $1 billion to fund new immunisation efforts in the world's poorest countries after record demand from investors, the International ...
European shares inched up on Thursday, as traders eyed overall positive earnings and waited for a number of Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) readings from across the region that could steer the ...
Maria Martinez is a Reuters correspondent in Berlin covering German economics and the ministry of finance. Maria previously ...